First Choice Hospital Consultancy

Financial assistance, Merger & Acquisition

Any merger or acquisition can be complicated and fraught with questions – but none more so than a healthcare transaction. You need to consider not only financial outcomes, but clinical outcomes as well, to understand the impact of the transaction for investors, employees, and patients alike.

That’s why it makes sense to work with FCHC. We can provide strategic insight throughout the development phase of the deal, from crafting the business case and helping you identify opportunities and risks to vetting potential partners and negotiating terms. We can help with the valuation and due diligence you need to make a smart decision – and work with you on an integration plan to help you make a smooth transition post-transaction. And when the deal is done, we can help you integrate, implement, optimize, and realize your potential.

Our Healthcare M&A Consulting services include

Overall process facilitation

Business case assessment, including an structural options

“Clean room” in evaluating competitively sensitive information

Shared vision development

Organizational structure, governance and management design

Economic model design, if applicable

Guidance in negotiations and legal document drafting

Stakeholder education and communication

Coordination with internal and/or external legal advisors

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